Antiracism and beaches in Lebanon

من قرار المديرة العامة لوزارة السياحة، القرار موجه لأصحاب المسابح والحمامات البحرية: اعتماد المساواة في استقبال الزبائن دون تمييز لجهة العرق او الجنسية والاشخاص ذوي الحاجات الخاصة المتمتعين بالاهلية القانونية”.

So the ministry of tourism has issued a statement targeting places that have pools and/or are located by the beach to not discriminate against their clientele based on their nationality, ethnicity or any disability.
It’s good to know that enough pressure has got us here, but we need your help and updates to be able to follow up with the implementation of this. So, if anything happens with you or around you; if you hear of anything or have a complaint about a specific beach, hotel or resort please send us the information.
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